I am ✨A Creative✨
As such, I wear many hats and fuse my talents,
education and experiences in my roles as:
a founder + liberationist
a fotografer + a storyteller
an emerging librarian archivist
a vocalist + voice actor
and a facilitator + instructor
Indigeneity Is My Praxis
I am based in Lumbee Land (Baltimore, MD)
with roots in Mound City (St. Louis, MO),
Anishinaabe Land (Upper Peninsula of Michigan),
and Igboland (Southeast Nigeria) 🇳🇬
My work is anchored in
community-centered arts practices
as learned during my co-founding of
Yeyo Arts Collective
in 2010 with four other Black women
including founding director Dail Chambers,
and in the popular education practices of
Septima Poinsette Clark.
I am a Community Matchmaker
and Courageous Experimenter
On the collective side, I founded a time bank, in 2009, named Cowry Collective - a reciprocal mutual aid network geared toward forging economic equity and bridging racial divides all the while reminding each of us of our unique gifts + past rich cooperative practices.
On the creative side, I have examined
my own mixed-race identity
through autobiographical
creative non-fiction,
academic writing,
photographic self-portraiture,
and now, an exploratory musical method.
I have taught photography
to the young and old
throughout St. Louis.
I am a documentary + fine art

On the personal side, I am a seeker and a mother
to two children birthed at home with midwives.
I continually strive to balance the
demands and joys of mothering,
self-care and being available
to my communities.
I find magic in the mundane,
look to nature for lessons,
and delight in synchronicity.